Links to everything I reference or cite during my keynote CM MÁLAGA – CULTURE & MUSEUMS INTERNATIONAL TECH FORUM, June 2022.
- Who am I
- National Gallery of Australia
- Map of Canberra by Stamen Maps
- NFTs
- What do NFTs mean for the arts / What’s the real cost of NFT Art? MuseumNext
- Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawing 273, 1975
- Bitcoin consumes ‘more electricity than Argentina’ BBC
- A $350,000 Bored Ape NFT was just sold for only $115 Block Crypto
- Pat is “Sick of people calling everything in crypto a Ponzi scheme.”
- Machine Learning and Digital Collections
- Using Machine Learning to write my museum conference keynote title by Keir Winesmith
- Mapping Future Brisbane State Library QLD
- The Met x Microsoft x MIT The Met Museum
- Identifying art through machine learning MoMA
- Google Arts and Culture #Selfie App Inherits Art World Disparities KQED
- Google’s “Arts & Culture” Is Being Called Racist, But The Problem Goes Beyond The Actual App Bustle
- AI Art at Christie’s Sells for $432,500 NY Times
- Kate Crawford on twitter
- VR (or the Metaverse)
- NDF2017 Keynote: Keir Winesmith (video)
- Computers as Theatre by Brenda Laurel
- Legible City by Jeffrey Shaw, Dirk Groeneveld, Gideon May, Lothar Schmitt, Charly Jungbauer and Huib Nelissen
- See Banff! by Michael Naimark
- Osmose by Char Davies
- Conversations by Dennis Del Favero, Ross Gibson, Ian Howard, Jeffrey Shaw, Matthew McGinity, Keir Winemith, Joachim Tesch, Teewon Tan, Craig Jin, Andre Van Schaik, Dennis Lin and Alan Kan
- CARNE y ARENA by Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- PlaySFMOMA Mixed Reality Pop-Up Arcade (event)
- Marshmallow Laser Feast
- Multichannel Digital Publishing
- Louisiana Museum of Modern Art Channel
- Sydney Opera House Stream
- Create Once Publish Everywhere: Approaches to for reusing collection information online by Paul Rowe
- The Create Once Publish Everywhere approach of the National Gallery of Australia
- 4th National Indigenous Art Triennial: Ceremony digital publication
- Joel Bray on Instagram
- Ceremony exhibition audio guide
- Politics of Performance with Joel Bray, S.J Norman & Darrell Sibosado livestream
- National Digital Learning Program
- Audio
- Tallon, Loïc, Kevin Walker (eds.), Digital Technologies and The Museum Experience. Handheld Guides and Other Media, New York: AltaMira Press, 2008.
- The SFMOMA’s New App Will Forever Change How You Enjoy Museums WIRED
- Seeing through sound: A new approach to the audio tour National Gallery
- History of the world in 100 objects BBC / British Museum
- Stuff the British Stole ABC
- Are these trends global or local?
- Culture Track from La Placa Cohen
- Map of Australia by Stamen Maps
- Thanks!
Some further reading: